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Because of the warm weather (hot?!) roses in my garden had started bloomed before I noticed. According to kinds, there are also some roses that has only buds, half of roses has flowers. Same as the last year, rose season is earlier this year, too.


This is "Spanish Beauty" that made me to love roses. Though it is vine rose, it has nice strong scent, more than anything, the color of petals , which look like painted with pink ink, are the most beautiful! This year, Keisei Rose Garden is selling the plant unusually, I presented it on Mother's Day.

玄関ポストの横は” プリンセスシャルレーヌドゥモナコ”。これまた本当に香りが良いだけでなく、色が薄ピンクとベージュが混ざっててオシャレ!しかも強い!どんどん花が付くし、2番目に好きなバラです。

The rose next to the entrance post box is " Princess Charleraine de Monaco". This also has not only nice scent but also the color of light pink and beige is so fashionable. And it's strong! Many flowers bloom and it's my second favorite rose.


There are many roses named after somebody and I planted the rose that has my daughter's name. I hope to show that picture next time. By the way, on the other day, I was surprised to have found a rose named " Madame Miyuki". I hope to have it someday.


The rose behind is vine rose, "Cinderella". Actually, a scarab beetle attacked this. But this bloomed by all means this year. Be careful when you find a longhorn beetle.


The right rose of Spanish Beauty is " Pink Sakurina", shrub rose. This has become like a vine rose and blooms many flowers. The color balance like a cherry blossom is so cute.

そして最後は”ラベンダードリーム” これは本当に強い!どんどん大きくなっていきます。

The last one is "Lavender Dream". This is really strong! It's getting bigger and bigger.


The roses with no flowers yet will appear next time.




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